Positive impact of Coronavirus lockdown


The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus

Just like that, the entire world has experienced change in its daily routine due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and the need to reduce or stop travel for the sake of global health.

From new strict hand washing regimens to cancelled events or having to work from home, this is without a doubt affecting everything in our daily lives - including our carbon footprint. In fact the environment might just be the only beneficiary of this scary social distancing scenario we are all part of.

There have been a few surprises this month in regards to the wellbeing of the planet. And while many have found themselves with more spare time, us environmentalists are still doing what we can from our homes to ensure our efforts do not get put on pause. 
Let's get to the GOOD stuff !

1. Carbon emission are down due to Coronavirus lockdown.
While social distancing has definitely resulted in some social and economic challenges for many, it also seems to be improving our air quality since travel has decreased across the board significantly. Researchers in New York are reporting early results, saying that carbon monoxide levels produced by cars has decreased 50% in comparison to this time last year. China and Italy have also reported significant air pollution decreases since the outbreak.According to The climate group, working from home has the potential to reduce over 300 MILLION tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Not to mention all the other awesome benefits such as work/life balance and decreased traffic congestion.

2. Scientists close to creating Artificial photosynthesis.
Scientists are on the cusp of being able to use artificial photosynthesis to generate renewable energy from the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. If created in large amounts, this could be a crucial step towards mitigating climate change.While scientists are getting close to making this achievable, there are still some obstacles ahead. According to Heinz Frei from the Berkley Lab, “There are two challenges that have not yet been met. One of them is scalability. If we want to keep fossil fuels in the ground, we need to be able to make energy in terawatts — an enormous amount of fuel. And, you need to make a liquid hydrocarbon fuel so that we can actually use it with the trillions of dollars’ worth of existing infrastructure and technology.
3. Restoring Soils could remove 5.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide(CO2) a year. 
Like trees, soil health has been starting to get some much needed attention. And of course the two go hand in hand. A new study concludes that restoring a protecting our soil could remove the equivalent of the United States' annual greenhouse gas emissions. The benefits gained from soil restoration includes water regulation, water quality, stabilizing production, and resilience in ecosystems. 
4.Global effect on Ozone help reverse southern jet stream damage.
Due to international cooperation in phasing out ozone depleting chemicals, the southern jet stream is returning to its normal state. This is great news because it is evidence that some climate systems are capable of healing when governments agree to make positive environmental changes. 
5.  United Kingdom plants a Tiny forest.
The United Kingdom has planted a tiny forest said to be the first of its kind in Oxfordshire. The little forest will consist of 600 trees and will be about the size of a tennis court. The forest is intended to not only benefit the environment but to inspire others to plant their own little forests around the world. "We hope to inspire individuals, businesses and government to take environmental action, by supporting a tiny forest in their local area."
    Across the whole world ,air pollution has been decreasing drastically , around the water in rivers have been getting cleaner , thanks to Coronavirus lockdown ,same effects have been observed in india , where blue sky is now Visible accross major cities. Rivers are flowing cleaner.

For further you must see this link .
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