
precautions follow after lockdown

Here we discuss , the precautions follow after lockdown . please read carefully some important points which is written  here . 1.postpone travel abroad for 2 years. not eat outside food for 1 year. not go to unnecessary marriage or other ceremony. 4. do not take unnecessary travel trip. 5. do not go to crowded place at least one year. 6.completely follow social distancing normally. 7.stay away from a person who has cough. 8.keep a facemusk on. very careful in current few weeks. 10.prefer vegetarian food. not go to crowded place like cinema hall malls next 6 months from now.if possible park and party etc  should also be avoided. 12.increase immunity. 13. be very careful while at barber shop or beauty salon parlour. 14. avoid unnecessary meetings always keep in mind social distancing. 15. the threat of Coronavirus is not going to end soon . handkerchief ,take santilizer and tissue if required. 17.clean your face , hand and legs,when you come home from outside.


                                COMPACTION Compaction  is  the  application  of  mechanical  energy  to  a  soil  to  rearrange  the  particles  and  reduce the  void  ratio.   1  Purpose  of  Compaction :  • The  principal  reason  for  compacting  soil  is  to  reduce  subsequent  settlement  under  working  loads.  •  Compaction  increases  the  shear  strength  of  the  soil.   •  Compaction  reduces  the  voids  ratio  making  it  more  difficult  for  water  to  flow  through  soil.   This  is  important  if  the  soil  is  being  used  to  retain  water  such  as  would  be  required  for  an  earth  dam.   •  Compaction  can  prevent  the  build  up  of  large  water  pressures  that  cause  soil  to  liquefy  during earthquakes.  2 .  Factors  affecting  Compaction  •  Water  content  of  the  soil •  The  type  of  soil  being  compacted   •  The  amount  of  compactive  energy used  3.    Field  specifications :  To  control  the  soil  propert

Coronavirus helpline number

Hello , everyone here we give the Coronavirus helpline number for Indians. thank you everyone.


                        ADMIXTURE-   - Materials  other  than  cement,  water  &  aggregates -  Added  to  the  concrete  mix  to  modify  &  to  improve  one/  more specific  properties  of      concrete ,           PURPOSE OF ADMIXTURE?  1.       To improve workability  of  fresh  concrete , 2.       To improve durability  by  entrainment  of  air 3.       To reduce the water required 4.       To accelerate setting  &  hardening  to  produce  high  early  strength , 5.       To aid curing 6.       To impart water repellant  /  water  proofing  property. 7.       To cause dispersion  of  the cement   particles  when  mixed  with H20 , 8.       To retard setting 9.       To improve wear resistance ( hardness) 10.     To offset /  reduce shrinkage during  setting  &  hardening 11.       To cause expansion  of  concrete and automatic prestressing  of  steel 12.       To aerate mortar /  concrete to  produce  a  light  –  weight  product 13.       T

moment curvature relationship

thank you everyone.

pure bending

thank you everyone .

Permutation and combination

              Permutation and combination            DICTIONARY PROBLEM :-       (Shortcut method ) Rank: • Q.1. If the letters of the word MOTHER written in all possible orders and arranged as in a dictionary,   the rank of MOTHER will be_ __ • Q.2. If the letters of the word SACHIN written in all possible orders and arranged as in a dictionary,  then the rank of SACHIN will be__ •SOLUTION.1     the word :        MOTHER ,   having  six distinct  alphabet letter. •Arrange like ,                                                                                     M         O         T         H         E       R •1ststep: Rank alphabet alphabetical order.                           3          4         6          2         1         5 •2ndstep:  write this way.                                                               5!        4!        3!         2!       1!        0! •3rdstep: smaller than the  selective alphabet.